Our services
Manage your carbon impact by investing in high-integrity credits

Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs)
Access high-integrity carbon credits through verified farmer-led projects at the scale you need.
Voluntary Carbon Credits
Support Verra soil carbon projects and obtain credits under other recognised frameworks.
Certified Emissions Reporting
Get transparent and verified whole-of-farm emissions data for your scope 3 reporting.

Invest in high impact biodiversity projects in farming landscapes
Biodiversity Certificates
Verify the biodiversity impacts of your agricultural supply chain or farmer relationships.
Nature Positive Credits
Invest in biodiversity projects that deliver material benefits to the local ecosystem via certified Nature Positive credits.
Compliance Credits
Meet regulatory requirements for infrastructure project by offsetting your impacts through through farmer-led biodiversity restoration.

Engage farmers with your offer
Feature your offer in our Strategy Finder that farmers use to discover opportunities for projects on their farms. We can connect you to farmers in specific regions or landscapes. And importantly, we can link projects to a farmer's management practices and verify outcomes to ensure that you are maximising your investment impacts.
Completed in 2024, this Landscape Impact Program in the Southern Tablelands of NSW identified restoring Box Gum Grassy Woodland (BGGW) habitat as a primary opportunity. Box planting according to a specific design enables farmers to sequester carbon and qualify for Australian Carbon Credits Units. It also restores this critically endangered ecosystem and can qualify for emerging biodiversity methods. All while still enabling the land to be improved and grazed.