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Image by Mitch Braithwaite
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Discover Regenerative Farming strategies that reward you both on the land and in your wallet

Our members are leading Australia's transition to regenerative agriculture while building economic resilience

We bring together the opportunities that are best for your landscape


Regen Farmers Mutual is building the tools and support services to help its members discover those farming strategies that will deliver the best outcomes for their landscapes.


Opportunity Finder

Regen Farmers Mutual’s farmer-designed and trained AI tool matches your land characteristics with proven regenerative strategies and potential funding sources to grow both environmental and economic benefits.


Fit-for-purpose projects

Join with your neighbour's to discover projects suitable for your landscape. Then negotiate Supply Shed Agreements with Buyers, and leverage the buying and selling power of a farmer-owned co-operative platform.


Certified outcomes

Use leading Australian Standard Carbon emissions calculators to certify your emissions reporting, and gain biodiversity assessments to benchmark your progress and identify opportunities. Investors place a premium on high integrity outcomes - with a social license.

We find the best advice and build local and regional capacity

As a farmer-owned organisation, Regen Farmers Mutual is able to draw on expertise from government, research and private sectors to help our members.


Guru Space

Enjoy our growing resource library, connect with farmers who have been there before and understand the true value of stewardship experience, access advice from accredited technical experts, and receive community support to implement regenerative practices.


Local Advice

We promote the development of local regenerative resources customised to your bioregion's unique conditions. To this end, we work with local groups and networks to develop and support the emergence of expertise in your community.


Events & webinars

Participate in webinars, local events and in our annual Trading-in-Regen conference to build skills and connections. Members are encouraged to attend our regular Member Council meetings - we are owned by our members after all!

Membership is $360 per year

We help you transform Environmental Stewardship into Economic Opportunity

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Protect and restore Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands to create carbon + biodiversity projects

Regen Farmers Mutual was designed for a farmer-led, ground-up approach to informing how investment can deliver the best results. The more of us there are, the stronger the business case.



Access Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) schemes, voluntary carbon markets, and simplified carbon emissions reporting to monetise your farm investments in providing valuable carbon mitigation and sequestration services.



Undertake biodiversity assessments, co-design Nature Positive Credits, Biodiversity Certificates, and offsetting Compliance Credits and transactions to receive recognition and payment for biodiversity enhancement.


Growing Opportunities 

Work with your community to address landscape-scale needs including farmer-led water management, co-designing and accessing community benefits from renewable energy infrastructure projects, and negotiating with supply chains.


Success Story:
Traprock Landscape Impact Program

Completed in March 2023, this program identified protecting and restoring vital Box Gum Grassy Woodland (BGGW) habitat as a primary goal. Seven farmers have since collaborated to create a biodiversity corridor between two national parks, implementing Avoided Clearing Carbon projects to protect existing woodlands. They're selling their first 50,000 ACCUs later this year and catalysed the development of a BGGW Biodiversity Certification methodology by ANU Law School.

Regen Farmers Mutual Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Our mission is to help Australian farmers aggregate their market power and landscape impact.

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© 2024 Regen Farmers Mutual

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